Group Personal Training

Increase your client impact and revenue potential all at the same time with group personal training.

Create and deliver successful group personal training experiences that help more clients achieve their fitness goals while expanding your client reach and revenue opportunities all at the same time!

The NASM Group Personal Training Specialization (GPTS) combines the best of one-on-one personal training and group fitness to help you positively impact more clients in less time. We'll teach you the skills and methods required to design and deliver a successful group personal training experience, whether you have two clients or more than ten in a single time slot!

The NASM Group Training Specialist course incorporates standard models as a framework for effective group training programmes, giving professionals the necessary skills and techniques for working with groups. The course distinguishes between distinct programming and communication methods used by various organisations to enhance the customer experience. Students discover and comprehend how to apply workout techniques, group programming, coaching, and cueing throughout the course, all while establishing their businesses around the abilities and methods needed to succeed as a group fitness instructor. This course, which places a strong emphasis on programming and communication, will equip the trainer to meet the increased demand from clients for group training.

Rs 43,500 / Year

Group Personal Training

  • 01 Year Training
  • Group Personal Trainer Course Manual
  • Video Demonstrations and Lectures
  • Group Personal Training Programming Templates

Rs. 43,500